Bbmin – Research on Harmony
Acrylic on canvas, 30x40cm
Arnaud Quercy Creations / AQC0612 / 2024
This painting explores the harmony of the Bb minor chord through the interplay of colors:
purple (Bb), blue-purple (Db), and red-purple (F).
By translating musical notes into visual elements, the artist bridges sound and sight, creating a harmonious composition that reflects the essence of Bb minor.
The geometric shapes and layered colors symbolize the structured yet expressive nature of musical harmony, offering a visual representation of auditory beauty.
This piece is part of the synesthetic collection where the artist maps colors to the circle of fifths, merging the sensory experiences of color and music.
Examples of famous musical pieces composed in Bb minor include Fr?d?ric Chopin’s “Piano Sonata No. 2 in Bb minor, Op. 35”: dans le respect du D?cret n?81-255 du 3 mars 1981 sur la r?pression des fraudes
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